Teeth Bonding Before and After

Teeth bonding is an inexpensive cosmetic dentistry option for patients looking to hide tooth imperfections. You can bond one tooth or several, depending on your goals.

Your cosmetic dentist in Clearwater, FL, will evaluate your case to ensure dental bonding is the right choice.

Before Tooth Bonding

Before bonding, you may have discolored teeth, chips, or shape issues. You may also notice small gaps between teeth.

Dental bonding can conceal these issues, giving you a more attractive smile.

After Tooth Bonding

Because bonding conceals tooth flaws, you’ll notice an enhanced smile and a more uniform appearance to the shades of your teeth after treatment.

Your dentist will let you know what to expect after treatment and whether bonding will hide your smile imperfections.

How Dental Bonding Works

The tooth bonding material is made of composite resin, shaded to match your teeth. Composite resin is also what we use in tooth-colored fillings.

Your dentist spreads the resin across the teeth you’d like to treat, sculpting and blending all the while. Then, we use a dental light to cure or set the bonding material when chips are filled and flaws concealed. Finally, your dentist finishes with a polish, and you can enjoy the rest of your day.

We can often bond teeth during one dental visit and touch up your treatment periodically.

Caring for Your New Smile

After dental bonding, you continue as before:

  • Brush and floss twice daily or after meals.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for checkups and teeth cleanings.
  • Talk to us if you notice oral health changes.

Contact Us for Dental Bonding in Clearwater, FL

We offer a wide range of cosmetic options in our dental office. To learn more about these services or to arrange a consultation for tooth bonding, we encourage you to contact a member of our friendly team today.